LPCA ELyse Metune's Memo to LPCA membership regarding the January 21st meeting, the outcome and scheduling of another meeting for Sunday, January 25th. Notice the date and time the email was sent to LPCA members (12:15 am Saturday 1/24).
Be sure to read Craig Powell's response about the meeting, the threats at the Eskaton meeting place, the individual who was disturbing LPCA members, the unauthorized facilitator fee and other recent issues (titled LPCA Renaissance Responds).
To: LPCA Members <members@landpark.org>
date: Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:15 AM
subject: LPCA Community Forum another Board meeting
The Land Park Community Association (LPCA) would like to thank everyone who attended our Community Form, January 21, 2009. Ideas, strategies and solutions for specific Land Park community problems were identified for key neighborhood issues as brought forth in the survey:
Traffic and Transportation
Neighborhood Crime
Unique Architecture of our neighborhood
Revitalizing our Commercial Corridors
Streetscape and Tree canopy
William Land Park
Association Operations/Communications
The meeting facilitator will collate ideas and provide a report to the LPCA Board, which will be shared on our web site. I anticipate that the board will create action plans and recruit volunteers to help implement strategies to address these issues.
A special thank you to those who stayed through the turbulent beginning of our Community Forum. After tedious discussion and interuption residents decided the group known as the LPCA Renaissance was trying to take over the Community Forum agenda and supported the facilitator moving forward with the original agenda.
Approximately 80 people attended the forum and shared their ideas and concerns. Our recent community survey indicates 77% of LPCA members support LPCA efforts - and 63% of all respondents supported LPCA efforts. Thank you for that support. Finally, the LPCA board will be having another one of those emergency Board meetings Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 7pm at Eskaton Monroe Lodge. We will be discussing petitions received to date calling for a meeting of the membership to address proposed bylaw changes. Unfortunately this business can not wait to our next regularly scheduled Board meeting. As always our Board meetings are public and we invite you to attend.
Again, thank you for supporting your neighborhood association. If you have questions please feel free to contact me any time.
Elyse Metune, President
Land Park Community Association
PS Members, do you know your username and Password to access our members-only web pages? Email request to webmaster@landpark.org. Be sure to include your full name and address so we can find you on our membership list.