Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 LPCA Directors Hire Lawyers at Member Expense - The Documents

The posted documents are the legal billing statement and email communication between three LPCA board members (Luree Stetson, President Elyse Metune and Nikki Rueppel), to attorney Jay Freeman. The 3 directors engaged this law firm for two purposes: (1) to explore means of preventing or delaying a member-requested special meeting of LPCA members at which governance reforms would be considered (including adoption of director term limits); and (2) to explore lawful means of taking action against director Craig Powell for his role in "organizing the petitioners" who sought to convene a members' meeting.

(click on an email page to read)

The attorney's bill so far is for $2,190 - that's equal to 146 LPCA memberships.

3 Directors hire law firm at LPCA expense

Dear LPCA Members,

This is an unfortunate e-mail for us to have to write. It has come to our attention that 3 members of the LPCA Board of Directors - acting without Board approval or even Board awareness - hired a law firm in the name of the LPCA on Dec. 29, 2008.

That law firm has so far billed the LPCA $2,190 for legal work it performed in the last three days of December, 2008. We have no idea how much more in legal fees the 3 directors have run up on the LPCA's account in the first 20 days of January.

Accordingly to e-mails dated Dec. 29th sent by the 3 directors and obtained by LPCA Renaissance, the 3 directors engaged this law firm for two purposes: (1) to explore means of preventing or delaying a member-requested special meeting of LPCA members at which governance reforms would be considered (including adoption of director term limits); and (2) to explore lawful means of taking action against director Craig Powell for his role in "organizing the petitioners" who sought to convene a members' meeting.

These e-mails and the law firm's invoice were discovered during our review of several boxes of LPCA records this past Sunday. LPCA bylaws require that all contracts be approved in advance by the Board (sections 8.5(d) and 10.2). The $2,190 in legal charges incurred so far amounts to over 7 percent of the LPCA's total funds. It is also equivalent to the annual dues paid by 146 LPCA members, over one-half of the LPCA's current membership. It represents around 1/3 of the net funds that the LPCA raised from this year's "Taste of Land Park" event, the LPCA's only fundraising event, which dozens of LPCA volunteers worked very hard to put on.

It is apparent that the ruling clique of the LPCA has become so habituated to thinking of themselves as alter egos of the LPCA that they now consider the LPCA bank account to be their own personal slush fund, to tap as they and they alone see fit to finance their efforts to maintain control over the LPCA and to fend off efforts by LPCA members to openly debate and vote on governance reforms. This is both wrong and unlawful.

As LPCA directors, we felt compelled to inform the full membership of this misuse of LPCA funds. The Board has shown no interest in correcting this problem or stopping further misuse of funds. The responsibility for correcting it now lies with the membership. The misconduct of these directors in wasting significant LPCA funds to preserve their own power over the LPCA makes member approval of the governance reforms we have proposed all the more imperative.

An LPCA "Community Forum" is set for tomorrow evening, Wednesday, January 21st at 7:00 p.m. at the Eskaton Monroe Lodge, 3225 Freeport Blvd. If you would like your views on this matter to be heard, please attend tomorrow night's LPCA forum.

Reminder: (1) LPCA Renaissance's "Townhall" Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4th at Eskaton Monroe Lodge - come and informally discuss the reform proposals and their likely impact; and
(2) the Special Meeting of LPCA Membership - 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 11th at Eskaton Monroe Lodge - join the debate and vote on the reform proposals.

For the latest updates, check LPCA Renaissance's blog at: LPCA Renaissance or e-mail us at You can also call us at the numbers listed below.

Thank you for your time and continued support of the LPCA.

Craig K. Powell, LPCA Director and Chair,Parks Committee
Phone: 456-9839

Terry Grimes, LPCA Director and Chair,Commercial Revitalization Committee
Phone: 447-0758

Letter to Membership Re: January 21, 2009 Meeting

Dear LPCA Member:

Our LPCA Renaissance reform campaign has received quite a few inquiries from LPCA members about an unexpected e-mail that was sent out by LPCA President Elyse Metune yesterday. That e-mail announced that the LPCA is hosting a "Community Forum" at 7:00 p.m. this Wednesday, January 21st at the Eskaton Monroe Lodge at 3225 Freeport Blvd. Some LPCA members are also reporting that they have received flyers today at their doorsteps concerning this "Forum."

From reviewing the text of the flyers, it appears that the current LPCA board majority intends to use this meeting - called on very short notice sent to only a segment of the LPCA membership - as an opportunity to highlight its claimed accomplishments over the years and not as a serious or sincere effort to engage the LPCA membership or the larger Land Park community in honest and open dialogue. We find this regrettable.

PLEASE NOTE: The "Community Forum" being called by the LPCA for this Wednesday night is completely separate from the Special Meeting of LPCA Membership set for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 11th that has been scheduled by 63petitioning LPCA members seeking to reform the LPCA.

At the Feb. 11th Special Meeting, members will have an opportunity to fully and openly debate and vote on the three LPCA governance reforms that we are supporting:
(1) expansion of the board;
(2) reform of director elections; and
(3) director term limits.

It will be held at Eskaton Monroe Manor at 3225 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95818. As a reminder, we will also be hosting a "Townhall" meeting, also at Eskaton, the week before at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 4th to informally brief members and fully discuss the proposed LPCA reforms and their likely impacts on the LPCA and Land Park. We look forward to seeing you there.

For the latest information on the LPCA Renaissance, the reforms themselves and our campaign to bring such reforms to the LPCA, please visit our blog at or e-mail us at

Also, you can leave a comment on our blog or call us directly at the numbers listed below.
Thanks you for your time and for your continued support of the LPCA.
Craig K. Powell, LPCA Director and Chair, LPCA Parks Committee
Phone: (916) 456-9839

Terry Grimes, LPCA Director and Chair,Commercial Revitalization Committee
Phone: (916) 447-0758

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Email To LPCA Treasurer

The following is the email sent to the LPCA Treasurer reagrding the unauthorized legal contract and billing by three board members:

Sent: 1/19/2009

Notice of Unauthorized Contract and Charges

To: Ms. Caroline Peck, Treasurer
Land Park Community Association

Dear Caroline:

It has come to my attention that certain board members have incurred expenses in the name of the LPCA that they have no authority whatsoever to incur. Specifically, I discovered during our records inspection at 3:00 p.m. today that Ms. Luree Stetson, Ms. Nikki Rueppel and Ms. Elyse Metune have caused the LPCA to unlawfully enter into a contract to obtain legal services from the Sacramento law firm of Goldsberry, Freeman & Guzman.

We further discovered a billing from that firm to the LPCA dated January 7, 2009 in the amount of $2190 for legal services rendered in the last three days of December 2008.

Under LPCA Bylaws Sections 8.5(d) and 10.2 (as well as long-standing board guidelines and practices), the president (Elyse Metune) is not authorized to enter into a contract without the approval of the board or the members. The contract for legal services with the Goldsberry firm has never been disclosed, let alone approved by the board. As an unauthorized transaction, the directors who incurred this liability are personally responsible for paying for it.

Since the board has never approved the engagement of the Goldsberry firm, you have no authoritywhatsoever to pay any invoice from the Goldsberry firm, including, without limitation, the January 7, 2009 invoice. You are now on notice of this unauthorized transaction. Any payment you make to the Goldsberry firm after your receipt of this e-mail would be beyond your authority and a violation of your duties as LPCA Treasurer under the LPCA bylaws.

Further, the three directors engaged the Goldsberry firm in the name and at the expense of the corporation for two explicit purposes, as revealed in e-mails we discovered today. Those purposes were: (1) to stave off or delay a membership meeting sought by LPCA members who are seeking to adopt reforms which will remove the three of them from control of the LPCA; and (2) to find ways of punishing me for my role in "organizing the petitioners," as described in their very candid and damning e-mail to the Goldsberry firm.

Whenever a director of a corporation misuses corporate assets in an effort or for the purpose of holding on to personal control over that corporation, they breach their fiduciary duties to the corporation, rendering them liable to the corporation for all resulting cost and damages. Consequently, the three named directors have breached their fiduciary duties to the LPCA and should and must be held legally and financially responsible for: (1) reimbursing the LPCA for any legal fees previously paid to the Goldsberry firm; and (2) indemnifying, defending and holding the LPCA free and harmless from any future liability to that firm.

Please also be advised that the Goldsberry firm has no legal claim against the LPCA because that firm was on constructive notice that the three named directors lacked any legal authority to enter into a contract for legal services on behalf of the LPCA. The firm was provided a copy of the LPCA bylaws, including sections 8.5(d) and 10.2, which placed the attorneys in that firm on notice that the three named directors had no authority to engage their firm without board approval.

Finally, the Goldsberry firm has not performed legal services that merit or justify payment of the billed fees. The legal opinion that the firm delivered is utterly lacking in any supporting legal authority and patently misconstrues the clear language of the applicable statutes, as I outlined in the legal memorandum I e-mailed to the board on January 10, 2009. In short, it is not worth the paper it is printed on. The attorney rendering the opinion clearly performed no substantive research and came to a conclusion that is directly contrary to readily available and easily accessible established legal authority. The opinion is also colored by "client bias." It gives precisely the legal opinion that their de facto clients - the three named directors - were seeking. In short, the Goldsberry firm has not earned a legal fee. .

Consequently, all billings from that firm should be returned to it, marked "Unauthorized," and copies of all of its billings forwarded to the three named directors with a demand for them to immediately reimburse the LPCA for any previously paid fees, to pay all future fees or otherwise indemnify the LPCA for any liability for the unauthorized charges. Further, If you have already remitted payment on the January 7, 2009 invoice from that firm, you need to issue a demand for return of the unauthorized and unearned payment. I will assist you in this if you need help.

Caroline, this is a very, very serious matter. The unauthorized expenditure is substantial and the conduct of those involved is wrongful and reprehensible. The $2190 in legal charges the named directors have wrongfully tried to impose on the LPCA is the equivalent of the annual dues of 145 LPCA members, well over 50% of our current total membership. It also represents almost 1/3 of the profits from the only fundraiser we held this year, the "Taste of Land Park" event. And we do not yet know what additional legal fees they have run up in the LPCA's name in the current month of January.

In the next few days, we will be reviewing appropriate responses to their misconduct, including possible referral of the matter to the California Attorney General's office for possible intervention and initiating a director removal action in Superior Court or seeking protective orders from the Court enjoining the three named directors from further raids on the LPCA treasury in furtherance of their illegitimate efforts to protect their entrenched positions in the LPCA.

I caution you to be alert for any other suspicious or questionable expenditures that they may try to run through the LPCA in the coming weeks. Thank you for your vigilance in this matter.

Very truly yours,

Craig K. Powell

cc: LPCA Board of Directors

Monday, January 19, 2009

LPCA Renaissance First Notice

This is the first email blast sent out to LPCA members January 16, 2009

LPCA Renaissance
2709 21st Street
Sacramento, CA 95818

To: Members of the Land Park Community Association

From: LPCA Directors Craig Powell and Terry Grimes

Re: Notice of Special Meeting of LPCA Membership; Reform Proposals

Date: January 16, 2009

This past year has not been an easy time for the LPCA board of directors. In a board blow-up last year, three board members resigned in protest and the long-time board majority sacked the LPCA president. In September, a new director resigned in protest.

In the current issue of Inside the City magazine is an article that details the large number of highly negative comments directed to the board by residents responding to a recent neighborhood survey. Further, the closely divided LPCA board has been recently hamstrung by a series of deadlocked votes, including one that killed a “transparency proposal” that would have opened up the LPCA to real participation by you, its members.

We believe that the LPCA is a community asset that has tremendous, untapped potential for doing a great deal of good for Land Park. But its effectiveness is currently impaired by its governance problems. It is in need of reform, accountability to its members and restoration of “Land Park” civility.

In response to this need, we have joined with several other LPCA members to launch a new campaign: “Land Park Renaissance.” Our group is widely diverse ideologically and is resolutely non-partisan. Our campaign’s sole goal is to help give the LPCA a new start, unburden it from the legacy of past board conflict and infuse it with fresh, new leadership that is both attuned and responsive to the membership.

In the past month, 62 membersof the LPCA filed petitions with the LPCA president calling upon her to convene a special membership meeting so that members can consider the adoption of a set of three major governance reforms. Regrettably, the LPCA president and current LPCA board majority (dominated by several 20-year board members) has failed to convene such a meeting, despite its duty to do so under California statute.

With the LPCA board’s inaction, the petitioning members now have the legal standing and authority to call a special meeting of the LPCA membership to consider the reform proposals.

Accordingly, we have scheduled a special meeting of the LPCA membership for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at the Eskaton Monroe Lodge, 3225 Freeport Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95818 (First floor main conference room).

Members will be asked to consider the following proposals:

Adopt amendments to the Bylaws that would, in general terms (1) increase the number of authorized directors; (2) generally limit the function of the Nominations Committee (to be re-named the “Elections Committee”) to acting as a conduit for information provided by candidates who seek election to the LPCA board; and (3) impose limits on the total number of years that an LPCA director may serve.

We urge you to attend this critical membership meeting and participate in an open debate on the proposals. We seldom have the opportunity to have a lasting impact on the future of our own neighborhood. This is your chance to shape Land Park’s future.

To give members an opportunity to ask questions about the reform proposals, discuss their likely impact on the LPCA and to meet with us, LPCA Renaissance invites you attend a “Townhall” meeting at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 4, 2009 at the Eskaton Monroe Lodge (one week before the Feb. 11th membership meeting and at the same location). Refreshments, snacks and fruit will be available at both meetings.

Additionally, you can find out more about LPCA Renaissance and greater detail on the reform proposals by visiting our blog site at If you wish, you can post your own comments on our blog site. You can also e-mail us at: or phone us directly at our numbers listed below. Also, we welcome the help of those who wish to volunteer to support our efforts to bring about an LPCA Renaissance.

Thank you for your continued support of the LPCA. Please do not forget to mark your calendars!
Craig K. Powell, Director and Chair, Parks Committee
Phone: (916) 456-9839

Terry Grimes, Director and Chair, Commercial Revitalization Cmmte.
Phone: (916) 447-0758

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How To Join The LPCA

If you are not a member of the Land Park Community Association member? Use this link to sign up:

Application / Renewal