Saturday, February 14, 2009

Victory: Reforms Overwhelmingly Approved by LPCA Membership!

We are very pleased to announce that all of the governance reforms that were considered by the membership at the LPCA's February 11th membership meeting were passed overwhelmingly, with an average 76% "yes" vote on the proposals. None of them received less than 73% approval. The turnout was huge, with a remarkable 75% of all LCPA members voting in person or by proxy. The meeting drew 150 members to Holy Spirit School on a cold and wet winter night.

Here are the final ballot results, as certified by the chief election inspector, local attorney Steve Belzer:
Yes to No

#1 Increase Size of Board from 10 to 15 204 to 70
#2A Change Nominations to Elections Committee 211 to 63
#2B Permit Members to Fill Board Vacancies 213 to 61
#2C Electronic Access to Records 212 to 61
#2D Minimum of Quarterly Membership Meetings 214 to 60
#3A Limits on Number of Years Directors May Serve 198 to 76
#3B Adopt Flexible Quroum for Board Meetings 208 to 66
#4 Create LPCA Advisory Board 203 to 68

On behalf of all of the volunteers of LPCA Renaissance, we want to thank the members of the LPCA, for their extraordinary level of support for these important changes. We are humbled at the trust that they have shown in our proposals. We will do our best to live up to that trust.

This marks a new beginning for the LCPA and new opportunities for Land Park and its residents. Land Park residents are now engaged in their community as never before, which bodes very well for LPCA's and Land Park's future. That is a foundation we can all build on - and something our neighborhood can be quite proud of.

Now, we need to get down to work and implement the reforms and continue the LPCA Renaissance in earnest. We will check in with you from time to time to keep you abreast of things. Thank you, again.

Craig K. Powell, LPCA Director
Phone: (916) 456-9839

Terry Grimes, LPCA, Director
Phone: (916) 447-0758