Monday, January 12, 2009

The LPCA Renaissance Has Begun: Members Petition to Bring Reform Proposals Before the Membership

On the evening of Monday, December 22rd, Craig Powell, one of the leaders of LPCA Renaissance and a current LPCA director, filed with LPCA President Elyse Metune petition letters signed by 42 LPCA members calling upon her to convene a special meeting of the LPCA members to consider LPCA Renaissance's three reform proposals: (1) to increase the size of the Board of Directors; (2) to adopt terms limits for directors; (3) and to open up and democratize the LPCA's director nomination process.

The petitioning members, representing approximately 10% of the total LPCA membership, asked that the reform proposals be added by the LPCA President to the agenda of an already scheduled membership meeting set for January 21st. If the LPCA President fails to grant petitioners' request, then petitioners will have the right to call and convene another membership meeting in the coming months at a time and place of their choosing to address the reform proposals. The number of member petitions filed By LPCA Renaissance more than exceeded the 5 percent threshold required under the law to call a membership meeting.

The petitions were all distributed, signed, gathered and submitted in just two day's time, during the busy weekend before Christmas. LPCA Renaissance volunteers gave up much of their weekend to phone, e-mail and canvass door-to-door gathering petition signatures. Good work, volunteers! Volunteers rushed to gather petitions so they could be filed with the LPCA President before the LPCA's Winter newsletter went to press. The newsletter, which is distibuted to 6,000 homes in Land Park, will include the formal notice for the already scheduled January 21st membership meeting. The three reform proposals must be listed in the meeting notice in order for the members to act upon them at the January 21st meeting. Otherwise, a separate membership meeting must be held to consider the proposals.

In a cover lettter that accompanied the petitions, as well as in a detailed follow-up memo to the Board, Craig Powell emphasized the need for President Metune to make a timely decision on including the reform proposals in the LPCA Winter newsletter. While no final word has been received, LPCA Renaissance is not greatly encouraged by the only communicaiton we have received from President Metune since the petitions were filed, which consisted of a brief e-mail sent out to the Board on December 23rd: "We will address the petition letters after the Holiday." President Metune is apparently in no hurry to see the LPCA membership act on the reform proposals.